Friday, May 27, 2011

Social Media

While my family and  I have used several social media sites, the one that we all seem to have settled with is Facebook.  Initially we all had myspace pages.  We have always been connected to our boys pages.  Initially it was to monitor what was going on in their live, now I think it is just to keep up with what is going on in their lives.  Being unhappy with the lack of site monitors and the unwanted messages in our in boxes, we left myspace and went to, a Christian social media site.  The site was 180 degrees from the monitor perspective, and we felt secure with our boys on the site.  We also used it to promote our Christian band and it was through that site that we found a church in a town we moved to a year later in another state.  We also created a band site at, as well as a few other Christian media sites.  In addition to sharing our music ministry around the world we also were able to minister to hundreds through the various media sites.  It was a real ministry.  The end of our band and computer viruses (we felt we got on the sites) drove us away.  Eventually my oldest son created a facebook and we joined shortly after.  Now I use the site to keep up with family and former students, and I waste way too much time playing facebook games.  My oldest son communicates with friends and promote his Christian band.  My wife keeps up with old high school friends and family.  My middle son uses it and youtube to show people his ability to do splits in ways a man shouldn't be able to do.  My youngest son seems to stir up and keep up with his friends drama.  Honestly I miss the days of xianz and faith freaks.  Maybe because I enjoyed the ministry, maybe I felt like it was a better time, probably it was both.

1 comment:

  1. Alan,
    Oh my, here it comes, the rant.....I'll admit I have a Facebook page,(it was basically a requirement for leaders of our student group at church) though I have only posted on it about four times in three years. I understand the potential of the site, but I have not found the enthusiasm to participate. Plus, the number of people that actually care about how I feel about anything has got to be fairly limited.
    There are other downsides as well. For example, I don't really like going and seeing what everyone I know is doing either. Most of what they post is just something they are doing to kill boredom and pass a moment. Noise.
    There are a few people that I would like to keep up with, and would find it worthwhile to follow and exchange updates with. The problem cannot be selective without hurting people's feelings. How can I say to co workers, or family members, or even church members, "Hey, I like you well enough, but not well enough to accept your friend request."
    Whew! I feel better. Maybe I'll update my status!
