Monday, July 4, 2011


I love e-books, and I believe that paper text books should be a thing of the past.  I am not a fan of text books to start with, and the textbook industry is as much as a rip off as the oil industry.  With e-books we don't have to use paper.  There are no chemicals involved in printing, and they don't have wear and tear issues.  They weigh nothing so they don't cause back strain problems by overloading back packs.  I don't even accept written papers.  All digital.  They are searchable, and when writing papers  students can copy and paste that all important quote.  Paper books should become antiques.  I know some people get that warm fuzzy feeling from having the book in their hand, but that last time I checked there's nothing warm and fuzzy about our (mostly poorly written) text books anyways.